Monday, December 2, 2013

Standard Honda Motorcycle Seats Are Great But There is Much More Available After-Market

Honda motorcycle seats are pretty comfortable right off the showroom floor, but there are just so many variables involved that make using the standard seat a bit less than extraordinary. Many companies manufacture seats for Honda bikes including Mustang and Corbin that take the ordinary seat and make it extraordinary. In much the same way you'd change out parts on a regular bicycle, a motorcycle can be highly customized. Unlike a bicycle, however, this bike has a powerful motor and can cross the earth at speeds that would melt the tires on a bicycle.Honda motorcycle seats can be customized in many ways. What you have to keep in mind is, everyone has different heights, body styles, weights, and comfort levels. A standard seat may do for some who fit the standard bill, and that's great, but for the majority of people, there are things that need adjusting to make the ride more pleasant. If your taller you may want a seat that adds some space between you and the bike so you aren't scrunched into the peddles. If your shorter you need a seat that takes some of that space- even from the standard seat- away so you can reach the peddles. If your posture is bad you may want a seat that has a back, can angle up or down until you're comfortable.There are some limitations to what features you can get depending on the type of motorcycle you have, but like anything else in the world, different options come with different configurations. A motorcycle that is more powerful and has a lot of torque may need a seat that can support you more on the back end so you don't slip off of the bike when you take off quickly. Over all most options that are needed are available in all models such as adjustment. One thing that most Honda motorcycle seats owners want in their seat across the board, unanimously, is quality and longevity. A seat is something you should only have to purchase once (after market that is) and it should last as long as your bike does. You get pretty attached to your seat once you pick out the right one with all the right adjustments and features, so you don't want to have to go out and do it again before several years and thousands of miles pass. Honda makes quality bikes and companies like Mustang and Corbin realize the standards their seats need to be to satisfy Honda customers!

Simon Harris writes all about motorcycle seats at this site:

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Cute Little Robin In Your Backyard

The American Robin is such a common site in our lives it is easy to not pay them any attention. But they do bare taking a second glance. The North American Robin is a migratory songbird. It is named after the European Robin, because of their reddish orange breast, although they are not closely related. It is also the state bird for Michigan, Connecticut, and Wisconsin.The main difference between male and female Robins are that females are paler in color than the males. These birds average from 8-11 inches in height and wingspan from 12-16 inches.Robins can have 1-3 successful broods a year, although 2 broods a year is most common. Each clutch produces 3-5 eggs, eggs are about an inch in length. Their eggs are a robins egg blue of course, just like the crayon named after them! They are said to be the prettiest of all bird eggs. They are unmarked and a sky blue or blue-green color. Although out of all the nests, only 40 percent of the eggs produce successful hatchlings on average. Then out of those young birds, typically only 25 percent survive till November. And from those birds, only about half will survive to the next year. You would think with the high mortality rate Robin's would be about extinct. But their population is said to be stable, if anything, on the rise. The oldest recorded American Robin was 13 years, 11 months. Although on average the entire populations turns over every 6 years.American Robins are one of the earliest birds to lay their eggs in the spring. Beginning to breed shortly upon arriving to their summer range. The female Robin chooses the nest location, typically on the lower half of a tree, and sometimes in gutters, outdoor light fixtures, in eves, etc. In the prairies, they commonly build their nests in thickets or on the ground. After choosing the nest site, she will begin building her nest from the inside out. She will press dead grass and twigs using the wrist of one of her wings to create a cup shape. They also use materials such as paper, roots, moss, feathers, string, etc. When the cup is formed, the female Robin will then reinforce the nest with mud and worm castings (organic materials derived from plant and animals matter) to create a stable and sturdy nest. She will then cushion the nest with grass and other soft materials. Once complete the nests average 6-8 inches in diameter and 3-6 inches high. The incubation period for the eggs range from 12-14 days. Hatchlings are mostly naked and helpless at birth. The young Robins only stay in the nest for about 15 days. Then the mother will start over and begin another clutch (brood). During summer females stay in their nests, while males gather in roosts. As young Robins grow and become more independent they will go and join the males in the roosts. Adult females go to roosts only after they have finished nesting. Robin roosts can be huge, sometimes consisting of hundreds of thousands of birds during winter.Robin's enemies are cats, large snakes, and hawks and are vulnerable to pesticide poisoning since they eat mainly on lawns. Their diet consists mainly on fruit in the autumn and winter. They have been know to become intoxicated when they feed exclusively on Honeysuckle berries. Often Robins will earth earthworms, insects and snails, in the morning, and fruit later in the day. They eat very large quantities of fruit, including hawthorn, sumac fruits, Chokecherries, dogwood, and juniper berries. As fruit and insects consist of most of their diet, Robins have to migrate in winter when food becomes scarce.Robins, these common little birds are so typical it is easy to pay them no attention at all. But It is fun to get to know the birds in your backyard. Birdwatching is can be fascinating, and is said to be one of America's favorite past times.

Hi, my name is Cassidy Frost. I am an avid runner, mountain climber, world traveler, and an on-line store owner. Make your yard a fun place to be! is all about stylish garden decor, such rain-gauges, garden fountains, thermometers and so much more! Make your garden inviting for the birds also, try adding a bird-house, bird-feeder or bird-bath. The Tinkling Wind Chime has a wide selection of bird accessories. Such as fancy bird-houses for the uptown birds, and country styles for the down home birds in your life! Join the fun today and start turning your backyard into your own personal Eden!

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Orthopedic Medical Supplies For Musculoskeletal Disorders

According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), orthopedic diseases cost the United States nearly $850 billion per year. The same study reported that musculoskeletal system disorders were the reason of 132 million physician visits in 2006. With the evolvement of medical technology, a wide range of orthopedic medical supplies have hit the market to protect you from any kind of musculoskeletal disorders.Types of Orthopedic Medical SuppliesOrthopedic medical equipment is designed to help with musculoskeletal disorders pertaining to contracture, discomfort and pain in the bones, joints, muscles, nerves and ligaments. The various kinds of orthopedic medical supplies include:1. Exercise equipment, such as treadmill, band cap, pedal exerciser, exercise skates and shoulder ladder2. Hot and cold packs for bone therapy3. Massagers and heating pads4. Foam filled mats5. Adjustable height staircases6. Triangular bandages7. Splints, braces and belts8. Protectors for heel, elbow, arm and legSome of these devices are custom made for the individual to ensure proper fit and comfort. However, it is important to buy all equipment from a reputed store to get the best results.Tips on Finding a Good Orthopedic Medical Supplies StoreDefective medical equipment can actually ruin your health instead of improving it. Here are a few tips that will help you find a good orthopedic medical supplies store in your area:1. Doctor's recommendation: In many cases, doctors recommend a medical store that is located near the hospital or clinic. Since your doctor is well-versed in this field, he can give you the best advice regarding a good medical store.2. Online research: Online research can introduce you to a number of medical stores. You can also go through the customer reviews and feedback about the products of these stores. If a store has a good reputation among its customers, you will find a lot of online recommendations for it.3. People's opinion: You can also take advantage of the past experience of your neighbors, friends, relatives and colleagues in the choice of medical store.According to the statistics collected from different sources by WD (, approximately one in six people in the United States suffers from orthopedic disorders. This comprises roughly 40.5 million people. This leads to great demand of orthopedic equipment. Express Medical Supplies works with a professional medical community and offers a complete range of orthopedic medical supplies. To get more information on the company and its high quality products, visit

For more information about orthopedic medical supplies where to purchase medical products, visit

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